Blog #11- for 4/23 Oscar R.

 Something that stood out from this reading because I was able to relate to it was the section subtitled "A Student Says Goodbye". It briefly talks about how some students cannot keep up with online courses for various reasons and how at times they might need to withdraw and drop the course. I was able to connect with this because for the first time in my academic "life" I had to drop a course this semester. Good thing I dropped it within the first 3 weeks. I am usually good with online courses and taking many classes but it was getting difficult to keep up with the deadlines. During my high school years, I would take 9+ classes and during my undergrad I would take 6 classes. But this semester four was just too much to handle and keep up. I was just able to connect to this in the sense that it is important for educators to be empathetic and understanding when it comes to online courses specifically because due to the nature of the course, some instructors do not understand the amount of work that is given. I also really liked how we got to see the email that Professor Warnock responded with. I think that example comes in handy for when we (educators) get emails like that. It is important for us to guide them and help them with what's best for them. Not to persuade them to stay but possibly offer some leniency and support 


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