Invention: Writing Process

 When reading Amy Hodges's text last week it made me reflect on my own unstructured writing process and that if I had to "teach" someone how to write I probably would have a difficult time in doing so. Hodges clearly lays out techniques that would definitely help a new writer! The technique that I use the most is "Talk It Out" and "Just Write" although that seems to work well if the writer has a specific topic or subject. For my free writes I try to pick a vague topic then try to squeeze as much feeling as I possibly can on paper about that topic. I include my personal opinion, experience, knowledge, preference....everything that I can possibly write about that topic.

Hodges idea of making a list would be great for new writers who would feel intimidated or unsure of what to write about. I would assume students may feel discouraged if they don't have tips and steps to take when initially writing. Overall, Hodges outlines valuable steps that I probably take for granted and could really benefit from. This piece was a learning lesson for me and my ability to potentially aid students in the future.  


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